Monday, 27 October 2008
Saturday I walked between Gasa-ryeong and Pinamu-jae passes, leaving Pohang city area and walking along the natural border dividing Cheongsong county to the west and Yeongdeok county east. Walking was easier than the past few weekends with the trail passing over 10peaks, almost half the concentration of the previous 50km. The trail also became more open; a combination of the onset of autumn and a more mature forest which keeps the undergrowth lower.
토요일 나는 가사령과 피나무재 사이를 걸었다. 포항시 지역을 떠나 서쪽으로 청송군, 동쪽은 영덕군으로 갈라놓는 자연 경계를 따라 걸었다. 산행은 지난 몇 주 주말에 10개 이상의 봉우리를 넘으면서 걸었던 때보다 훨씬 수월했다. 지난 50km는 아주 어려운 고비였었다. 또한 등산로는 가을철의 시작과 함께 낮은 덤불이 우거져 가을색을 띠기 시작했고 그게 푸른 숲과 콤비를 이루며 더욱 활기찬 모습으로 변해있었다.
Daeseong-sa temple below Toam-jae pass, provincial road 68, Cheongsong-gun.
토암재 아래에 있는 대성사, 68번 지방도, 청송군.
The main building near the head of a stream flowing from the ridge, a tributary of the Nobu-cheon river.
능선으로부터 흘러 내려오는 개울의 상류 근처에 있는 법당, 노부천의 지류.
San-shin; Mountain Spirit of Daeseong-sa. 대성사의 산신
Eastern view from above Toam-jae pass. 위쪽 토암재에서 본 동쪽 광경
Looking west over pampas grass down to Gucheon dam from above Jilgo-gae pass.
질고개 위에서 건천댐을 향해 억새풀 위로 내려다본 서쪽 광경
Pinamu-gol rest area. 피나무 골 휴식처
Pinamu-jae (Linden tree pass) lies on the southern border of Juwang-san National Park and sees a fair bit of traffic travelling between the sites on this side of the park such as Jusanji reservoir and the Aerim-gegok (ice valley), so facilities are pretty good, like the restaurant above.
피나무재는 주왕산국립공원의 남쪽 경계 위에 놓여있다. 주산저수지와 같이 공원의 이쪽 지역과 어름계곡 사이에서는 꽤 많은 차량여행객들을 볼 수 있다. 그래서 위쪽 식당처럼 시설들이 상당히 좋다.
Budong-myeon downtown, below Pinamu-jae. 피나무재 아래 부동면 중심가
'Galjeongong' Andong Lim Ancestral home, Budong-myeon 부동면, ‘갈정공’ 안동 임씨 고가
Below the pass are a couple of restored Joseon Dynasty buildings 'Yeongmodang' and 'Galjeondang' built by the Andong Lim clan as a memorial to one of thier ancestors 'Galjeongong' who fled to these hills 50km east of Andong during the Imjin Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592. He must have liked it as he stayed on after the seven year war and planted Pears in the valley. Posthumously he was named 'dong' (east), perhaps by his relatives as a result of the trips made to honour his grave.
고개 아래에는 안동 임씨 문중에서 그들의 선조인 ‘갈정공’을 모시는 사당으로 지은 조선시대의 건물 ‘영모당’ 과 ‘갈정당’ 두 채가 복원되어 있다. 그는 1592년 임진왜란 때 안동의 동쪽 50km에 있는 이곳 고개에서 피난을 했다. 그는 이곳을 무척 좋아해 7년 동안의 왜란이 끝난 후에도 이곳에 계속 머물면서 이 골짜기에 배나무를 심었다. 사후에 그를 ‘동(東)’이라고 불렀다, 아마 그의 친척들이 그의 공을 기리기 위해서 붙인 것 같다.
A 2003 poem by Lim Jong-guk; 11th generation descendent of Galjeongong (Something may be lost in the translation). 2003년에 갈정공의 11세손, 임 종국 씨가 쓴 시.
Though valueless, all plants have their roots...
Like this..a river has energy from the soul of the mountain.
Here is water that has unraveled from the streams piece by piece.
'rijeonri', the pear field, takes after a crane which keeps away from hyeonhaetan's mad whirlwind.
The first Andong Lim who settled here was the civil servant Galjeongong during the Joseon Dynasty.
This is the place where we can smell his body odour.
He is higher than Ma am-bong (peak); bluer and more innocent than a pear flower.
Ah~~ our spirit!"
The ridge of Juwang-san National Park 주왕산국립공원 능선
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Hello. Our mountain looks very great during this time of the season.
A little UAV told me that you guys are doing the next leg in DPMs with NVGs? Tread lightly on the ridge you sods, as a san-shin lives there!
If i understood a single word you said, I'd probably answer in the negative.
This website is more boring than others. I had not enjoyment of reading this website.
Mr 신 why do you find this website so boring? I find it riveting. This guy is a pioneer. He's going to parts of your country, that most Koreans wil never have the curiosity to visit. He's probably done more for Korean tourism than anybody since General MacArthur.
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